Seattle Washington 9th International FASD Conference
I had been looking forward to attend the 9th International FASD conference in Seattle, Washington for quite a while, each day building in anticipation. This because I wanted to be able to share my experiences, strengths and challenges living with FASD. Then to be able to relate my story to other peers, adults and family's so they understand just cause I am on a stage speaking I am not perfect and have lots of struggles in my life, as does my family. I have also always wanted to travel around the world and share my lived experiences, strengths, victories and difficulties living with FASD, so others understand they are not alone in their experiences. For some time, I have been going through a rough patch, feeling lost and very frustrated; why is this you may ask? Well, I wish I knew completely... There are the challenges of living with FASD, the all to common mental health issues, learning disabilities, lack of understanding, lack of supports and more and just being different ...