How High School Went After Years Wasted

 So, after summer break when grade 8 was done I went into grade 9, a little bit nervous as the environment was new and I didn't know if I was ready for high school, so many professionals said I was not ready and wanted to put me in a special needs school. I had wasted 5 years being scared running the halls, hiding in coats, tearing apart class rooms etc. It's funny how I don't remember hiding in coats but I've been told I had done that on many occasions. Strange but before I ran the halls I had been a good student I won't say I didn't need extra help, I did, I was really far behind my class when I was adopted. People seemed to take my silliness and impulsiveness in stride and helped me to become a good student. That all stopped when my brothers abuse in school became too much for me to handle and watch it day after day, eventually I could not take it anymore. 

As I walked into my high school (St. Mary's Catholic High School) I felt welcome and I'll tell you I had two of the very best teachers for Grade 9 and I will never forget them, they were Mr. Patrick Devaney and Mr. Mark Reilly.  They treated me the best, they treated me better than a lot of teachers I've had, elementary school often sucked, I had a couple of good teachers but others just never understood me. The teachers I had at St Mary's this year changed my view of the school, rather than it being torture to endure, I started to enjoy school again. I actually spoke up for myself in grade 9 got the supports I needed my school team for this year is the best. I am lucky I found my voice and have been able to speak up for myself. I hope nothing changes in grade 10 if anything changes I want more people to understand me that's all I want to change at my school and other schools. If I was honest we should have awareness days for every single disability. Yeah I know there is a mental health day but hardly anybody knows what FASD or developmental trauma is as a disability what they are or how it is pronounced. Much less that mental health will be a struggle for many of us with these conditions all our life. Even if poor mental health is caused a lot just because people do not understand how to help. 


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