
Showing posts from September, 2021

FASD In School What My Day Looks Like, The need for Ontario Bill 172

 So, basically, I have no motivation at all when I get up in the morning and people with this spectrum disorder FASD often have more trouble getting up in the morning as they are more tired and take longer to regulate than others. We often have trouble with our sleep, I do not understand why yet, but I will accept my sleep isn't very good even if I sleep for hours.  My brother has been waiting for well over 3 years for a sleep study, he can go from being wide awake to being exhausted with dark circles under his eyes in very little time when using his brain to do school work, which has confused people for years.  I seem to not do that anymore, but I will slur my words when I'm tired like I'm having a stroke, or I'll just fall asleep because of how worn out I am trying to do my school work.  When I get home from school I normally fall asleep for a few hours I'm so exhausted from trying to focus, do my work, and just hold it together when I am overwhelmed that I don...

PTSD In School A Cry For Help

 PTSD, oh suck it up princess, you're just faking it, you just want attention, you just want out of class, wonder how many times I heard those damaging words when what I really needed was a hug or an understanding shoulder to cry on. Imagine sitting in a classroom, a snowplow drives by with flashing lights, and suddenly you are seeing your birth mother being beaten, a drug deal gone wrong, your being taken from your home by police and Children's Aid. It is really hard to say what those flashing lights might bring back as memories or just a deep fear that I do not understand but I am terrified and at that moment and just can't cope. A lot of this was brought on by the school calling Children's Aid (CAS) after all it seems they needed an excuse why my brother acted out so much and they needed someone to blame but themselves. The moment I was interviewed I fell apart my promise of a forever home was gone. When you are waiting to be adopted your promise is someday, you will...

Starting High School With Trauma And FASD

 Found this in my drafts folder, a bit old but I will post it now. Starting high school is scary for everybody but especially scarier for people that go through a disability like me with FASD. Because some people don't understand FASD and when those people don't understand me and know how to support my disability I tend to act out and then get labeled as the kid with behavior problems. We kids with FASD need extra support, we need help and accommodations to succeed in life but if people don't understand my disability how are any of us supposed to cope? People need to be educated about different disabilities that we can't be treated the same as other kids we need specialized help.  That help in Ontario is starting, we are starting to get some support but so often you will be on a waiting list to get help to only find  they can't help you because they don't help kids with FASD yet. That leaves my parents running around trying to find any way to get me and my broth...